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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

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Table of Contents
Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 341-471

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Fluctuation Results for Markov-Dependent Trials

R. B. Nain and Kanwar Sen

pp. 341-346

Weight Enumerators of Normalized Codes

Stephen M. Gagola, Jr.

pp. 347-380

Broadcasting in Trees with Multiple Originators

Arthur M. Farley and Andrzej Proskurowski

pp. 381-386

The Bandwidth of Caterpillars with Hairs of Length 1 and 2

S. F. Assmann, G. W. Peck, M. M. Syslo, and J. Zak

pp. 387-393

Covering Regions by Rectangles

Seth Chaiken, Daniel J. Kleitman, Michael Saks, and James Shearer

pp. 394-410

Minimean Location of Different Facilities on a Line Network

B. L. Hulme and P. J. Slater

pp. 411-415

Integer Rounding for Polymatroid and Branching Optimization Problems

S. Baum and L. E. Trotter, Jr.

pp. 416-425

Hypergeometric and Generalized Hypergeometric Group Testing

F. K. Hwang, Tien Tai Song, and Ding Zhu Du

pp. 426-428

Acyclic Digraphs, Young Tableaux and Nilpotent Matrices

Emden R. Gansner

pp. 429-440

Expected Number of Vertices of a Random Convex Polyhedron

D. G. Kelly and J. W. Tolle

pp. 441-451

Weight Enumerators of Self-Orthogonal Codes over $GF$(3)

C. L. Mallows and N. J. A. Sloane

pp. 452-460

Strong Connectivity in Directional Nearest-Neighbor Graphs

B. E. Flinchbaugh and L. K. Jones

pp. 461-463

The Reliability of Standby Systems with a Faulty Switch

T. Downs and P. K. W. Chan

pp. 464-471